Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador
The 1997 novel that put Horacio Castellanos Moya on the map, now published for the first time in English An expatriate professor, Vega, returns from exile in Canada to El Salvador for his mother’s funeral. A sensitive idealist and an aggrieved motor mouth, he sits at a bar with the author, Castellanos Moya, from five to seven in the evening, telling his tale and ranting against everything his country has to offer. Written in a single paragraph and alive with a fury as astringent as the wrath of Thomas Bernhard, Revulsionwas first published in 1997 and earned its author death threats. Roberto Bolano called RevulsionCastellanos Moya’s darkest book and perhaps his best: “A parody of certain works by Bernhard and the kind of book that makes you laugh out loud.”
Revulsion : Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador - 紀伊國屋書店
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The protagonist in "Revulsion" is a Thomas Bernhard-esque character who returns to El Salvador after 18 years to deliver a 119-page diatribe New Directions Publishing Company - Fiction - Fiction
cover image for Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador. Revulsion:Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador. revulsion-thomas-bernhard-in-san-salvador Fouling One's Own Nest: On Translating Horacio Castellanos Moya
But both Moya (El Salvador) and Bernhard (Austria) pretty much flip their native Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador, By Horacio
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